Adventures with Polly
Sharing news, updates and tips from my world of coaching. If you like what you see and want even more free content, sign up for my newsletter for weekly tips and tricks!
Power up your team
Living life to the full can be enhanced by having a solid team of people who support you and encourage you to reach for the stars. Ensure that you rally people who will help you strengthen your mental fitness, reach out and lend you a helping hand when life becomes challenging and your resilience becomes low. Stay connected with people who will help you look after your mental health and help you live your life's adventure.
The Art of Making Change: Mental Fitness in Action
The art of making change builds skills that strengthen mental fitness. There are many components to change management that need to be understood for this to be possible. Becoming a high performer can happen with solid habits, establishing clear goals, creating a roadmap, choosing a mindset to fuel you forward, and learning to overcome any obstacles faced. We all have the skills to navigate change, albeit fear-provoking at times. This article will enable you to tap into your capacity to manage the art of change with clarity, focus, persistence, and direction.
Embrace your Adventure
Adventure is about embracing unusual, exciting, or free-spirited experiences which can create physical, emotional, and psychological wellbeing. Regardless of circumstances, t is possible to create simple and fun escapades every day. Adventuring establishes a growth mindset, helps build confidence, develops transferable skills, creative thinking, and enables problem-solving skills to shine. This is where you can learn ways to have more, be more, and do more.
Live your legacy
You don't have to be a billionaire or a genius to make a difference. People make their mark and are remembered for their contributions for all sorts of reasons.
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